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A Quick Change to InTouch

Posted on 11 August 2014

Later today (11th August 2014) we will be putting live a quick update to InTouch, nothing major but a few things to make life easier!

1. [New Menu Option] Automation is now an option on the main system menu and can be found on the left hand side under Contacts!

2. [Moved Menu Item] Leads and Sales has now been moved up, to be with Tasks and Calendar, the other productivity functions

3. [New Feature] Automated campaigns - you can now duplicate/copy Automated Campaigns, so there is no need to site there and rebuild them, just copy, rename and kick it off!

4. [Fix] Complete Tasks - now when you complete Tasks, the page will update as it did before to you only see Tasks that you are yet to do

5. [Improvement] Linking to Organisations - we've now made the linking Contacts to Organisations even easier and smoother in the way the system handles it

So just a quick update along with a few other bug fixes that customers have raised to us