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Drag and Drop Email editor improved even further!

Posted on 9 August 2016

We are always keen to keep improving our InTouch system and the Email editor is no exception to this, in fact we have welcomed feedback from our valued customers in this process!

We launched our 'new' drag & drop email editor at the start of this year and have tweaked it to improve it over time.

Now we have given it an overhaul to really boost the functions and look & feel. Several customers have given us valuable food for thought in this process and so thank you to them! We are always keen to listen to your feedback.

The key changes are as follows:

  • We have added both foreground and background text colour pickers to the editor toolbar.
  • We have added a Formats menu for text font styles to allow independent font styles within text.
  • We have added a spacer module (which is height adjustable) as an option for spacing between modules. The default without the spacer module gives a much 'tighter fit' of the modules together.
  • We have removed the fixed footer module to enable you to add the footer which you prefer e.g. a plain text footer or one of the footers which includes an image box (for company logo?).
  • The editor now won't let you continue without inserting an %unsubscribe% tag. That ensures best compliance.
  • Text spacing has been improved for Gmail and Yahoo email clients.
  • We have added outlining to assist you when editing text areas.
  • It is now easier to re-order your modules.
  • We have added 'fallback' fonts for Outlook and other MS Office viewers

Please see below an example of some of these enhancements in practice:

To view one of our support guides for the drag & drop editor click here