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Adding a Task

Last updated by Sam Brown on November 07, 2016 15:07

Managing your day to day tasks can be a bit of a headache at the best of times. The Tasks section within the system aims to make this headache disappear and allow you to keep track of all of the important tasks you want to achieve, thus helping you with your workflow management.

There are several ways of adding a task: -

    • Add a Task from the Tasks module
    • Add a Task from within a Contact record
    • Add a Task from an Organisation record
    • Add a Task from the Leads & Sales pipeline

Add a Task from the Tasks module:

Task Title: What is the Task? - this is your main heading so that you can distinguish the task at a glance and to add the relevant details.
(you can add further details in the Want to make a Note section...

Assign To: Who's on this Task? - if you have multiple users you can share out jobs by allocating tasks to them by simply selecting them from the "Assign To" drop down

List - Which List is this Task in? Can be used to bring more structure to the things you need to do. 

Due Date & Time - If you have an important deadline, you can add the deadline here and even set yourself Reminders via email or even SMS - just remember to click in the boxes to select date and time. 

Contact/Organisation - If it's related to one of your customers, why not link them in so you can easily establish who it is regarding - it will also show up against their record, so when you look in to their record, you have everything at your finger tips. So as you are creating your new task just use the @ symbol followed by the name of your contact to link your task to a contact (if you are creating a task from within a contact record this is already done for you)

Link to a Lead - why not link your task to an existing Lead to keep a close watch on your prospects...

More options gives you Want to add a Note - Need more information to distinguish the quick jot you made, well why not add further details in here just to remind you of the task in hand;

Once all is completed just press Apply Changes

Adding a Task from within a Contact record

If you are already in the Contact Record, all you have to do is click on  Options and Select Add Task.

Then just fill out all of the relevant information as explained previously. 

Adding a Task from within an Organisation

 Again, if you are already in the Organisation Record, all you have to do is click on Options and Select Add Task.

Then add the relevant information as shown above. 

 Add a Task from the Leads & Sales pipeline

When you have created a Lead in the pipeline you have the option to add a task to that Lead (with reminder too!), which is a great way to manage your planned actions relating to your Leads and therefore keep your pipeline buzzing!
Just click on the +0 Tasks link to create your linked Task and then you have a lead with linked Task: