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Essentials for Success: Web Forms & Automated Campaigns

Last updated by Rich Orr on April 03, 2019 14:34

Okay, after extensive research on top tips, we have decided that these are some useful tips to help you grow your business… as this is how we roll!

Our Top Tips: Web Forms

Quick, Clear And Super Easy
We don’t mean to speak on behalf of others but sometimes form filling can be seen to be a little bit of a drag and a dread.  So, we think it’s extremely important to get it right so there are no issues with capturing those passing window shoppers.

Tip 1. K.I.S.S, That’s the way forward

You may be wondering why we have quoted KISS and it’s not what you may be thinking… but what this stands for is “Keep It Short and Simple” (you may have heard other versions).  Keeping it to the point and easy to understand will gather a lot more customers than making a huge list of custom fields.

Tip 2. Relevance

Make sure that everything you are asking is necessary, avoid pieces of information you don’t really need. You don’t want to put customers off signing up to receive information from you.

Tip 3. Test

Test it yourself; get your colleagues, friends or family to test it, this will definitely check to see whether it works and is clear and easy to fill out. Feedback is always essential in getting it right!

Tip 4. Clear and structured

Create a form that flows, so there is a logical way in which to fill out the details - this will make it less complicated and easier for your customer to complete.

Tip 5.  Avoid forcing people to enter lots of information

We all know that when people ask for information and we aren’t entirely sure why, we become mistrustful and mindful with regards to what they are really about. So, think about what you are asking and keep it basic. You could even give people the option, don’t force them to enter all the fields if unnecessary – you can always approach them once you won them over (if need be).

Tip 6. Captcha

This will stop any spammers accessing and uploading a lot of information in to your account. The confirm email address will also ensure the accuracy of entered emails.

Tip 7. Group

When you set up your web form, why not add them to their own group – it will allow you to use their information in a new email project and it will help you keeping it personal. Link your web form to an automation within which you can add them to a group.

Tip 8. Link it to an Autoresponder

Here we go again… “Marketing in your sleep” – it really is a great way to warm up those prospects and to keep them engage with what you have to offer or taking them along the journey of your company.

Our Top Tips: Autoresponders

Plan, Plan, Plan It’s Vital For Success
“So what do I need to plan” we hear you ask, well there are many areas which are key for the success of your autoresponders.

Tip 1. Check your response rate

Look at previous campaigns that you have sent and see when the most popular times and days were and then schedule the emails to be sent within those time frames.

Tip 2. Group your contacts

Look through your contacts and see who is interested in what and then assign them to a specific autoresponders – keep them keen!

Tip 3. Theme

If you have a marketing strategy in your head, run with it – keep it relevant and clear and remember the objective rather than digressing in to other areas. There’s no hurry you can always have more than one autoresponder to ensure you keep it specific to those individuals.

It could be:-

·  Learning – take them through a series of tutorials, share you expertise.

·  Introducing - you and your business

·  Nurturing – keeping them interested in certain products or services

·  Payment – automated payment reminder emails

·  Newsletters – Schedule newsletters or events that are up and coming.

Tip 4. Support New Customers

You have attracted a new customer one huge step out of the way, now you need to keep them interested. Why not create an autoresponder to warm them up and introduce them to you and your business and to see what they are interested in.

Tip 5. Don’t make it sound like an autoresponder

It is vital to not make your customers feel like they are receiving an autoresponder, so jazz it up make it sound more personal and be clever with your words and surprise your customers each time they open up your emails.

Tip 6. Provide links and resources to get people hooked in

Why not add website links, document links as well as useful information in to your autoresponders – so catch those fishes and tow them in! You can even cascade your contacts onto other automations based on their opens and clicks behaviour.

Tip 7. Shake up your offers

If you want to add offers in to your emails, make sure they aren’t repetitive and keep your customer excited rather than predicting your next move. Maybe plan a set sequence you may wish them to follow.

Tip 8. Keep it short and sweet

Our advice to you is to set a series of autoresponders not one huge one, you never know your aim or goal may change. So we suggest running it for a maximum of 4- 6 weeks rather than 12 months to remind you of the purpose.  

Tip 9. Why not trial two different marketing techniques

If you are unsure which message would be successful, why not try two different versions side by side. This will help you in the future when marketing your business.

Tip 10. Mix it up

Don’t just send emails; add a task and a lead/ sale here and there. If your customers have come to a specific point and shown interest why not pick up that dog and bone (phone) and see how they are.