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Contact Settings

Last updated by Rich Orr on July 18, 2017 13:02

You are able to change and adapt some of the functionality of the system to mould it to fit your requirements. Here are a number of options available to you, with a definition of what they all mean to help you decide whether you need to make any amendments...

Custom Fields to show in Contacts listing page

You can select up to 2 custom fields at any point in time to show in your Contacts list page (Contacts > Settings)

Then when you look at your Contacts list you will see those positive entries for those 2 custom fields:

Organisation Type Customisation - so, we have the standard options already in the system but here you are able to add further options to the list to segment your information to support the Organisations you do business with. 

Want to do this.. Go to Contacts > Settings and type in your Organisation Type then click on Add

You can now see this Organisation Type when you view or create new Organisations 

Just a Quick Note!

You are even able to amend these in case you change you mind, just click edit or delete. 

Company name vs Organisation - this allows you to add new organisations automatically to the system when you are creating a new contact record. 

To do this, again under Contacts > Settings  click on Change Company name vs Organisation Config , tick/untick box then: Update and it will show the TRUE setting

If you wanted to reverse this setting and see Company Names within a contact record then re-set the setting to FALSE