The Gmail interface brings with it lots of different buttons and options, so here we aim to explain the various elements of it.
First up, on the left of the gmail interface, you have the main options :-
New Email - This is the button to click if you want to create a new one to one email, in the same way as you would in gmail
Important - This is where you will see any and all important emails, which have been tagged as such
Sent - This is where you will see all of your sent emails
Trash - This is where you find all of the emails you've binned/sent to the trash
To - This is who you are sending the email to
CC - This is carbon copy, this is where you might copy people in for reference
BCC - This is the Blind Carbon Copy, where you copy someone in who you don't want the others to know you've copied in
Email Subject - This is the subject line which you can add to entice people to open it
Main Content - This is the main content along with the main toolbar which include bold, italic, underlined, etc
Include Email Signature - Here you can select to include a signature with your email
Attachment - As normal you can add an attachment to this email
Send/Discard - Finally the Send/Discard buttons,to either send the email or discard it