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Troubleshooting - Why can't I find a contact in the system

Last updated by Adrin Siripala on September 15, 2015 23:12

  1. Has the contact been added? There are times where a contact might be so new that you haven't had a chance to add them to your system yet, with these people, simply go to contacts and click to add them from there.
  2. Have you searched for the right name? The system will look for an exact match rather than a partial match, make sure that the spelling is correct as well as maybe shortening your search IE rather than searching for John Smith, search for John or Smith. This might help you spot the person and find out why they didn't come up on a full search.
  3. Does their contact record just have an email address? Sometimes when adding contacts to the system, people might only enter in the contact's email address or even less. By checking this, you can spot what is missing and fill in the blanks

If you still can't find the contact, please raise a support ticket with all of the details