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Styled Webforms

Last updated by Rich Orr on April 03, 2019 14:34

In the system we have several different types of forms for you to pick from, the first option is what we called "styled forms", this is a form with a bit more about it in terms of being pleasing on the eye. 

To get this you first need to create a webform, here's how you do this - "How to create a webform

Then, at the end of the creation of the form, you get the various options for the different types of forms.

Once you select "styled" you will be shown the options for the styled form

There are two pieces of code - the automatic (javascript) and the manual.

The automatic code means that you can make any changes you want to the form, without having to load it up manually, the manual code allows you a bit more flexibility when adding it to your site in terms of your own tweaks to the styling

Then you also see a preview of the form and what it will look like